News, Commentary and Information about the Issues and Challenges of Living on Planet Earth
Friday, January 15, 2010
HAITI... NOW is the time to GIVE GENEROUSLY!
Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world. James 1:27
The earthquake devastation in Haiti, has created thousands of new widows and orphans. Thousands of broken families suffering the loss of loved ones and living literally moment to moment, as they wait for something that resembles relief and renewed hope.
You certainly have plenty of opportunity to immerse yourself in the Godly expectation... to care for those who can do nothing for themselves.
Most of us have a real tough time imagining the life of an orphaned child or a widow. It’s difficult to fathom a day without food, clean water or the total lack of life’s most basic essentials. On a good day, life is tough in Haiti. Now, with the enormity of the earthquake’s devastation... for the down-hearted, life is fast approaching hopeless.
The vulnerable children have no one to care for them when they fall down, are hungry, sick, or need protection from the pouring rain. They have no shelter except that which will come from relief efforts. Many will go into the future alone with no hope for a home and a family.
The Church is the answer that will change the lives of these Haitian children forever. The Bible mentions caring for widows and orphans over forty times. In fact, as the Bible says in James 1:27, a critical measure of our faith and our standing before God Almightly is whether we care for widows and orphans in their distress.
Distress reigns in Haiti. YOU can help bring relief to the pain and suffering. Because God cares for orphans, he wants us to care for them as well.
This is part of, a major part of our intentional ministry for our Lord. We must chose to make the care of widows, orphans and vulnerable children a signature issue of God’s Church. RIGHT NOW... the most essential and meaningful way for every person to engage in caring for the needs in Haiti is to give generously. And continue giving until this human suffering caused by this horrific earthquake passes.
Churches are the most influential source of care and support. You must be a beacon for hope in a community, and a center of action. You have no time to pray about this... GOD expects you to act immediately... spontaneously... from the heart.
Whether you’re a person interested in caring for orphans locally or globally, DIRECT your giving NOW to HAITI.
To learn how to have an immediate impact on relief efforts in HAITI, please visit this website –– Northwest Haiti Christian Mission:
“The helpless put their trust in You. You are the defender of orphans Lord; You know the hopes of the helpless. Surely You will listen to their cries and comfort them. You will bring justice to the orphans and the oppressed, so people can no longer terrify them” (Psalm 10:17-18).
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