Continuing with the discussion of the two different categories of Christians, verse 7 of 3rd John tells us the motivation which underscores a Christian Missionary's work. "They went forth for His name's sake." Why leave family, friends, opportunities and comforts to travel to an unfamiliar country with a completely different culture? You do it... to bring glory, honor and recognition to the name of Jesus Christ.
God has always been concerned for the honor of His Name. He used the mighty Pharoah in order to display His power and declare His Name throughout the earth (Romans 9:17). He did not destroy the Israelites in the wilderness for the sake of His Name (Ezekiel 20:14). He spared Jerusalem from enemy forces for His own Name's sake (2 Kings 19:34). He restored Israel from exile in order to vindicate the holiness of His own great Name (Ezekiel 36:22).
The first petition which Jesus taught us to make to God in prayer is "Hallowed be Your Name." To follow Jesus means living your life for the sake of His name (Matthew 19:26-29).
Paul's whole life as a missionary was lived for the glory of Christ's Name. When God called him, He told Ananias to go to Paul, "for I will show him how many things he must suffer for My Name's sake" (Acts 9:16). As Paul traveled he knew that his apostleship had been received from Christ "for obedience to the faith among all nations for His Name's sake" (Romans 1:5). When confronted with the prospect of suffering and persecution he rebuked his well meaning friends by declaring, "I am ready not only to be bound, but also to die at Jerusalem for the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ" (Acts 21:13).
Who should go as Christian missionaries? Those who have already shown a jealousy for the Name of Christ demonstrated in personal devotion, in faithful service, in practical holiness at home, on the job and in the use of time and personal resources. A call to be a missionary does not necessarily mean a change in one’s passion, although you would expect enhanced excitment at the prospect of serving. It simply means a change of location and circumstances in pursuing one’s passion for proclaiming the name of Christ.
A church should send as missionaries only those who have an observable love for the Name of Jesus Christ. Devotion to "the Name" should be evident in the way a man treats his wife and a wife treats her husband. It should be demonstrated in the way that parents train their children. The way a man orders his home, conducts his business, witnesses and reaches out to others, studies the Word, serves the church, and uses his gifts. When such people are commissioned, they must be charged to carry that same passion to see our Lord and Savior's Name hallowed among the people to whom they are going.
It is the name of Christ that sustains a missionary... doing everything in his name and for the sake of His name protects you. When you miss your family back in the states...remember the Name. When you reach points of frustration... remember the Name. When you grow discouraged and lonely... remember the Name. When you are tempted to sin... remember the Name. Above al things, all worries and all concerns a missionary must be willing to spend and be spent for the glory of that Name... Jesus Christ.
As workers for the truth
Christian Missionaries also go out as "workers for the truth" (v. 8). Believers are stewards, not originators, of the truth. We are messengers, not authors. We have had committed to us the faith which has been once for all delivered to the saints (Jude 3). Christian Missionaries work for that truth by taking it to people groups who do not have the gospel. Consequently, they must have a clear conviction of and submission to the Bible as the Word of God. They must also be diligent students of that Word so that when they speak of it and from it they communicate its message accurately.
The mission field is no place to send doubters, skeptics or those with serious doctrinal questions in hopes that they will come to a surer knowledge of God and their own faith. As Missionary Christians in the sending role, we should shudder to think of anyone trying to serve God in whom they have doubts or simply do not believe all that the Bible teaches. The gospel ministry, especially the mission field, is no place for the doubter or skeptic. The work is too important. Souls are at stake. Eternity hangs in the balance God's fame is at stake! His truth has been entrusted to those who go and as they go, they must carry it with integrity, honesty, and devotion.
Christian Missionaries go in close association with the church, for the sake of Christ's name, and as workers for the truth. But, not every believer can be a Christian Missionary. Nevertheless, every follower of Christ must be a Missionary Christian. Part III of this series will be posted by mid month.
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