Audio Bibles are helping in much needed outreach to the impoverished Haitian people
After the devastating earthquake in Haiti in mid-January, hundreds of disaster relief teams, aid agencies, NGO’s and governments rushed into Port-au-Prince to provide vital food, water and medical supplies.
According to a recent new release from Faith Comes By Hearing, the ministry came alongside more than 100 of these groups to provide 3,400 solar-powered Audio Bibles, called Proclaimers, to minister to Haitians’ spiritual needs.
While relief efforts are meeting physical needs, Faith Comes By Hearing's Audio Bibles are helping to bring the promises of God in the native language of people so desperate for hope and answers.
“It is a word of hope in the midst of much suffering,” said an aid worker in the news release, who contacted Faith Comes By Hearing for Haitian Audio Bibles. Three months have now passed since the earthquake, and field reports are coming back from groups that used Proclaimers.
The news release stated that one aid worker, noticed at a Bible study that not everyone had a Bible. So the aid worker approached the woman leading the group, who explained that some of the women and men weren't able to read. “We gathered them and explained what the Proclaimer was and how it was to be used. This gift was received with joy, tears and hugs. “During our stay at the camp, we were able to witness many times the Proclaimer being used. Some mornings we woke to the recorded voice of the teachings they were listening to.”
According to the news release, another team that took along Proclaimers was responsible for repairing freshwater wells and pumps to provide clean drinking water.
“We fixed 37 well pumps and had a Proclaimer playing at each well site in the disaster area,” said another aid worker. “The people were amazed when they heard the Word of God, and they asked questions. We also placed one of these Proclaimers at a primary school near the Dominican Republic border. The children love hearing the Word and smile while they listen.”
The news release said the outreach has wide support, and is being generously funded by individuals, churches, foundations, and groups across the country. For example, a sub sandwich shop owner in Port Orange, Fla., collected donations for Proclaimers and gave nearly $4,800. A children's group from Southeast Christian Church in Louisville, Ky., also gave more than $1,300.
“The church as a whole took up collections for food, medical supplies, and also raised money for the tents,” said Steve Young, SECC Children's minister, speaking in the news release.
In the children's ministry, he said, “We support a different mission every month. The kids got excited about this because of the timeliness. A lot of the kids keep up with current events, and it was important for them to know that they helped someone. We felt honored and pleased to be part of it.”
Volunteer teams and short-term missions groups can continue to request Audio Bibles for their Haitian outreach through the “Every Church Every Village” program.
Since the devastating quake to hit Haiti in January, Faith Comes By Hearing is working with over 70 churches, ministries, and disaster relief organizations providing food, water, and supplies, to take Proclaimers® (solar-powered Audio Bibles) to minister to the emotional and spiritual needs of the people. For additional information visit www.faithcomesbyhearing.com