(CLICK on the GRAPHIC to Enlarge for easy reading)
When disaster strikes, we often attempt to quantify the event numerically. We categorize the chaos, destruction and death toll through statistics. We don’t always get a clear picture of the real toll and human suffering by simply applying the numbers.
After Chile’s recent 8.8 magnitude earthquake on February 27th, the media within 24 to 48 hours... called it 6 times, 30 times, 50 times, 300 times, 500 times 700 times, and finally 1,000 times larger than Haiti’s 7.0 quake. You get the picture... we tend to exaggerate the numbers in times of crisis, overstating reality for a multitude of reasons.
True reality... Chile saw far fewer casualties than Haiti and charitable giving is likely to be much lower as well.
Death tolls alone don’t seem to draw our attention anymore. Burma’s Cyclone Nargis in 2008 killed an estimated 170,000. However, largely because of the countries restrictive regime, International donations totaled only about $310 million. Donations to Haiti surpassed that figure in less than 9 days. Maybe its proximity, the closeness of Haiti to the U.S. that has created the outpouring of assistance and financial aid.
Whatever it is that tugs at our emotions and motivates giving to Haiti... we must not stop. The road to recovery for Haiti as a viable nation and culture will be a long and arduous journey.
Here’s a look at the current state of Haiti by the numbers:
222,417 - Confirmed Death Toll on February 24th according to the Haitian Government
300,000 - Likely Final Death Toll according to Haiti’s Government
52,000 - Confirmed Death Toll, according to an investigation by Radio Netherlands
“Well under 100,000” - Likely Final Death Toll according to Radio Netherlands.
63 Million Tons of Rubble must be cleared away before Rebuilding can begin (Rueters)
$7.2 to $13.2 Billion - The cost of the damage to the country (Inter-American Development Bank)
$81 Billion - Cost in Damage caused by Hurricane Katrina in the U.S. (NOAA)
59 Aftershocks of 4.5 or greater - 16 of 59... 5.0 or greater
1,700 Easatimated Career Christian Missionaries are Based in Haiti
5% -- Haiti’s Protestant Population in 1940
20% -- Haiti’s Protestant Population in 1960
30% -- Haiti’s Protestant Population in 2010
2 in 3 of Haiti’s Protestants are Born Again Christians
Remember Haiti and its physically and emotionally depleted and impoverished people in your prayers. Continue to assist and support the Christian Missions that are working day and night to bring comfort and spiritual hope to a people who have suffered at the hand of cruel governments and natural disasters for decades.