Tuesday, September 29, 2009


We often ask others and we also look introspectively into ourselves to know the will of God for our lives. What does He want me to do? We often miss the obvious, His Will is written into our very nature. The matrix for serving Him is already in us, in the form of our skills and talents or gifts.  When we understand from Scripture what God’s Will is, then His purpose for “you” becomes much more discernible and clear, as to how we can use our gifts serving Him.

Are you looking for help discovering or better understanding your gifts?  You can discover Kingdom work and service that is meaningful and rewarding once you recognize how your talents can be used to further the Great Commission. All God wants is for you to be willing to use your gifts for Him. Even with your willingness, He let’s you make the choice as to what you want to to do. Once you begin responding with what you already have in God-given abilities, the Holy Spirit will work in you to match your skills and talents to the needs of the Kingdom.

Are you an English teacher or do you aspire to be one? Then why not teach English using the gospel in some far off mission field? Are you a passionate communicator? Then maybe you should be praying for God to open the way for you to become a preacher. See, it’s really easy to figure out how God can use you... just think about what you do well, those things are your gifts, and then think how you can use what you do well in Kingdom service. God does want to see evidence of your passion and desire to use your gifts for Him. Half-hearted lip-service about maybe doing this or that won’t get you much help from the Holy Spirit in shaping you for service.

Remember, your gifts are already in you. Identify them and see how they can match up to the needs of the Kingdom. Pray about your desire to use your gifts in a way that will please and glorify God. Be patient. Be alert and watch for opportunities to come your way. Most likely, they will come to you from within the context of your congregation and fellowship. Small steps and your willing heart empowered by the guiding Holy Spirt will lead you to accomplish great things for the Kingdom. Serving God is really very simple. It just takes a willing heart!

The Struggle to Achieve Innovation

  I nventing new things is hard. Getting people to accept and use new inventions is often even harder. For most people, at most times, techn...